

Borehamwood Baptist Church is one of the member churches of Elstree & Borehamwood Christian Council. We have a representative who attends EBCC meetings and we are involved in EBCC activities throughout the year. These include the Easter walk of Witness which starts from our church and Illumin8 Youth group which we host.

Food Bank

We support our local Foodbank and have a box at the back of church where donations can be made which are then taken to the local collection point. More information about the Borehamwood Foodbank can be found here as well as a list of the items which the Foodbank is currently accepting.

Donate food | Borehamwood Foodbank


We support a number of Mission Agencies both financially and with prayer including: 

'JENGA' working with vulnerable people in Uganda, the CEO of which is one of our former members
Release International supporting those persecuted for their faith
The Leprosy Mission
Mind The Gap supporting children's homes in Zimbabwe
Pathway who provide Christian assemblies and clubs in primary schools