Our Latest Services
Now, given the restrictions on church services taking place due to Corona Virus we will be posting our latest sermons and resources here as they become available. This week our speaker David Parry who would usually have come to speak to us in person has recorded his message for us. Listen now
We hold our morning services every week at 10:30am and our evening services alternate weeks at 6pm but we understand that if you are poorly, working shifts, caring for a sick or elderly relative or friend, working late on Saturday night or struggling to organize the kids out of the house on Sunday morning there might be times when you can’t make it in to church.
We also realise that some weeks, although you are at the service, sometimes you haven’t quite had time to digest all the points God had in mind for you, and a little catch-up sermon is in order.
We have therefore started to post our weekly morning sermons on to an audio sharing platform and we are making them available to you to listen at your leisure.
As many local to our church may be aware, we recently waved cheerio to our Minister, who has moved away from the town. What this means for us as a church is that we are seeking a new minister. In the meantime we are really fortunate to have guest speakers coming to preach God’s message to us each week. This is a real blessing as it gives us fresh insights and new ideas on passages that may be very familiar as well as bringing us news from lots of other churches via their ministers, teachers and lay-preachers.
What you will find in this post is a short introduction to each speaker from the last few weeks, and a link to their sermons. We hope you enjoy listening and that God blesses you with his message.
Robby Keen
Mostly the ministers visiting our church have had a journey of maximum forty minutes. Robby, however, pops in now and again from Uganda where he heads up projects for the Charity JENGA. As a church we have been involved with JENGA and support Robby’s work with them both through our giving and in prayer. Robby was a member of Borehamwood Baptist Church before he headed to Uganda and it is always a treat for us when he comes home to see us.
Robby spoke to us about finding our peace and happiness in God.
John Stunell
We were joined by John Stunell. John is a Methodist Lay-Preacher in Kent and he came to talk to us about building a strong relationship with God.
Graham Clarke
Graham Clarke is Minister at Marshalswick Baptist Free Church in St Albans and is also helping us with a search for new Minister.
Graham brought a message of leaving our “nets” behind and following just as the disciples left their nets at the shore and followed Jesus
Revd Dr Alan Beavis
Alan came to us from his home church in Loughton and spoke to us about Light.